ShaftBuster's Clan of _UC

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You are here » ShaftBuster's Clan of _UC » General Topics » Clan Rules update

Clan Rules update

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Forum membership is invitation only.  After reading and agreeing to the rules

All users must be active players of Tanki Online and/or Tanki-X video game.

Clan rules are simple no swearing at other players and or calling them noob. Rather pick a player(reassure him its not him) up or stand up for him if someone is picking on them, not to the point of being banned. 

No cheating, this means getting a Hack Engine (We all have skills we don't need to cheat)or some other form of cheating, like if all players agree to pickups only; then no using your stored power ups. 

No asking personal questions of the clan members as some will be minors.

New members should be able to create or have anonymous emails for contact purposes.  Creating an anonymous email is not hard. 
1) pick an email service like Google mail or Gmail or Yahoo, or Yandex  to name but a few. 

2) think of an email name you can use your real first name or your clan name even your tanki account name but a fictitious last name.

3) If the sign up asks you for a mobile or cell phone number tick the box "I don't have one"

4) After creating the email go to the settings in the account to the security and link this new email to your personal email Incase you ever forget your password or if the email service asks you to prove you are the owner of the account. 

5) Sign out and check your personal email for a verification email from your new email account.

Creation of an account with _UC is mandatory as we play our practices and tournaments in Clan accounts only.   

Basic rules, it keeps it simple!   We practice once a week sometimes not, but a minimum of an hour and we come to the aid of our clan members if called while in our clan accounts.   There are no penalties as of yet if you don't come to clan members aid, but part of being in a clan is so you have allies to call to change the outcome of a game.

If you have read the rules contact me on the account that sent you to the clan page telling me you agree to the rules and you would like to join, then I will send the invite code.

I personally hope to see all of you soon in Clan Uniform and battling like a team in Tanki or in a Clan Tournament.  ShaftBuster



Good summery.



Thanks Jacob.  Was having a bit of a problem with the rules tab, so I moved the rules back into the general chat again.  I updated and added a few things.  Any suggestions are appreciated.


You are here » ShaftBuster's Clan of _UC » General Topics » Clan Rules update